Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle G. Economic Development Programs Involving Both State and Local Governments
Chapter 2306. Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Subchapter Aa. Manufactured Housing Division
Sec. 2306.6001. Definitions.
Sec. 2306.6002. Regulation and Enforcement.
Sec. 2306.6003. Manufactured Housing Board.
Sec. 2306.6004. Manufactured Housing Board Membership.
Sec. 2306.6005. Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 2306.6006. Terms; Vacancy.
Sec. 2306.6007. Presiding Officer.
Sec. 2306.6008. Grounds for Removal.
Sec. 2306.6009. Reimbursement.
Sec. 2306.6010. Meetings.
Sec. 2306.6011. Training.
Sec. 2306.6012. Appropriations; Donations.
Sec. 2306.6013. Budget; Sharing of Department Personnel, Equipment, and Facilities.
Sec. 2306.6014. Division Director.
Sec. 2306.6015. Personnel.
Sec. 2306.6016. Separation of Responsibilities.
Sec. 2306.6017. Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 2306.6018. Equal Employment Opportunity.
Sec. 2306.6020. Rules.
Sec. 2306.6021. Public Participation.
Sec. 2306.6022. Complaints.
Sec. 2306.6023. Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution.