Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle G. Economic Development Programs Involving Both State and Local Governments
Chapter 2306. Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Subchapter P. Housing Finance Division Bonds: Issuance of Bonds
Sec. 2306.351. Issuance of Bonds.
Sec. 2306.352. Texas Housing Bonds.
Sec. 2306.353. Revenue Bonds.
Sec. 2306.354. Definitive Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 2306.355. Issuance of Additional Parity Or Subordinate Lien Bonds.
Sec. 2306.356. Issuance of Bonds to Fund Department Reserves Or Funds.
Sec. 2306.357. Bonds Issued by Texas Housing Agency.
Sec. 2306.358. Issuance of Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds.
Sec. 2306.359. Issuance of Private Activity Bonds.