Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 10. General Government
Subtitle G. Economic Development Programs Involving Both State and Local Governments
Chapter 2308. Workforce Investment Act
Subchapter C. Council Duties and Powers
Sec. 2308.101. General Duties.
Sec. 2308.1015. Duty to Facilitate Delivery of Integrated Workforce Services.
Sec. 2308.1016. Duty to Facilitate Delivery of Integrated Adult Education and Literacy Services.
Sec. 2308.102. Assumption of Duties and Responsibilities.
Sec. 2308.102. Assumption of Duties and Responsibilities.
Sec. 2308.103. Additional Powers and Limitations.
Sec. 2308.104. Strategic Plan.
Sec. 2308.105. Local Service Integration.
Sec. 2308.106. Division Assistance.
Sec. 2308.107. Complaints Against Council.
Sec. 2308.108. Policy On Technological Solutions.
Sec. 2308.109. Duty to Develop Skill Standards.