Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 2. Judicial Branch
Subtitle A. Courts
Chapter 29. Municipal Courts
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 29.001. Definition.
Sec. 29.002. Creation.
Sec. 29.003. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 29.004. Judge.
Sec. 29.005. Term of Office.
Sec. 29.006. Temporary Replacement in General-law Municipalities.
Sec. 29.007. Municipal Court Panels Or Divisions; Temporary Judges.
Sec. 29.010. Clerk.
Sec. 29.011. Vacancy.
Sec. 29.013. Report to Texas Judicial Council.
Sec. 29.014. Court Security Committee.
Sec. 29.015. Location for Court Proceedings and Terms and Sessions of Court Following Certain Disasters.