Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 2. Judicial Branch
Subtitle D. Judicial Personnel and Officials
Chapter 54. Masters; Magistrates; Referees; Associate Judges
Subchapter Pp. Brazoria County Criminal Law Magistrate Court
Sec. 54.2501. Creation.
Sec. 54.2502. Appointment.
Sec. 54.2503. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 54.2504. Powers and Duties.
Sec. 54.2505. Transfer and Assignment of Cases.
Sec. 54.2506. Proceeding That May Be Referred.
Sec. 54.2507. Oath of Office.
Sec. 54.2508. Judicial Immunity.
Sec. 54.2509. Clerk.
Sec. 54.2510. Sheriff.
Sec. 54.2511. Witnesses.