Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 2. Judicial Branch
Subtitle F. Court Administration
Chapter 72. Office of Court Administration
Subchapter C. Powers and Duties
Sec. 72.021. Budget; Expenditures.
Sec. 72.022. Personnel.
Sec. 72.023. Consultation and Assistance.
Sec. 72.024. Methods; Recommendations.
Sec. 72.025. Annual Report.
Sec. 72.026. Rules.
Sec. 72.027. Additional Duties.
Sec. 72.028. Gifts, Grants, and Donations.
Sec. 72.029. Grants for Court System Enhancements.
Sec. 72.030. Collection of Data Relating to Judicial Turnover.
Sec. 72.031. Electronic Filing System.
Sec. 72.032. Best Practices Education.
Sec. 72.033. List of New Or Amended Court Costs and Fees.
Sec. 72.034. Public Information Internet Website.
Sec. 72.035. Settlement Agreement Database.
Sec. 72.036. Training On Educational and Vocational Training Pilot Program.
Sec. 72.037. Transfer Certificate and Index of Transferred Documents Form.
Sec. 72.038. Bail Form.
Sec. 72.039. Protective Order Applications, Forms, and Materials.
Sec. 72.039. District Court Caseload Analysis.