Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 2. Judicial Branch
Subtitle G. Attorneys
Chapter 81. State Bar
Subchapter E-1. Committee On Disciplinary Rules and Referenda; Disciplinary Rule Proposal Process
Sec. 81.0871. Definition.
Sec. 81.0872. Establishment of Committee.
Sec. 81.0873. Committee Duties.
Sec. 81.0874. Staff Attorney.
Sec. 81.0875. Initiation of Rule Proposal Process.
Sec. 81.0876. Rule Proposal.
Sec. 81.0877. Approval of Proposed Disciplinary Rule by Board of Directors.
Sec. 81.0878. Referendum Vote by State Bar Members.
Sec. 81.0879. Supreme Court Approval Or Rejection.
Sec. 81.08791. Rule Deliberations.
Sec. 81.08792. Proposed Disciplinary Rule Approval Required Before Adoption.
Sec. 81.08793. Use of Technology.
Sec. 81.08794. Expired Time and Defeated Rule Proposal.