Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 3. Legislative Branch
Subtitle B. Legislation
Chapter 317. State Budget Execution
Subchapter A. Regular Appropriations
Sec. 317.001. Definitions.
Sec. 317.002. Types of Proposals to Affect Appropriations.
Sec. 317.003. Time and Scope of Proposal.
Sec. 317.004. Publication of Proposal.
Sec. 317.005. Action On Proposal.
Sec. 317.006. Action On Contingent Order.
Sec. 317.007. Expiration of Proposal Or Contingent Order.
Sec. 317.008. Effective and Expiration Dates of Order.
Sec. 317.009. Enforcement of Order.
Sec. 317.010. Effect On Unexpended Balances.
Sec. 317.011. Supersession of Order.