Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle B. Law Enforcement and Public Protection
Chapter 411. Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas
Subchapter Q-1. Powers and Duties Related to Certain Regulatory Programs
Sec. 411.501. Definition.
Sec. 411.502. Applicability.
Sec. 411.503. Final Enforcement Authority.
Sec. 411.504. Complaints.
Sec. 411.505. Investigations.
Sec. 411.506. Informal Complaint Resolution and Informal Proceedings.
Sec. 411.507. License Denial; Administrative Sanction.
Sec. 411.508. Right to Notice and Hearing; Administrative Procedure.
Sec. 411.509. Cease and Desist Order.
Sec. 411.510. Injunctive Relief.
Sec. 411.511. Staggered Renewal; Proration of License Fee.
Sec. 411.512. Annual Regulatory Report.