Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle B. Law Enforcement and Public Protection
Chapter 411. Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas
Subchapter G. Dna Database System
Sec. 411.141. Definitions.
Sec. 411.142. Dna Database.
Sec. 411.1425. Grant Funds.
Sec. 411.143. Purposes.
Sec. 411.1431. Inclusion of Elimination Sample in Dna Database Prohibited.
Sec. 411.144. Regulation of Dna Laboratories; Penalties.
Sec. 411.145. Fees.
Sec. 411.146. Dna Samples.
Sec. 411.147. Access to Dna Database Information.
Sec. 411.1471. Dna Records of Persons Arrested for Or Convicted of Certain Offenses.
Sec. 411.1473. Dna Records of Certain Registered Sex Offenders and Terrorist Offenders.
Sec. 411.148. Mandatory Dna Record.
Sec. 411.149. Voluntary Dna Record.
Sec. 411.151. Expunction Or Removal of Dna Records.
Sec. 411.152. Rules.
Sec. 411.153. Confidentiality of Dna Records.
Sec. 411.154. Enforcement by Court Order.