Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle B. Law Enforcement and Public Protection
Chapter 414. Texas Crime Stoppers Council
Sec. 414.001. Definitions.
Sec. 414.0015. Crime Stoppers Tips.
Sec. 414.002. Organization of Council.
Sec. 414.003. Per Diem and Expenses.
Sec. 414.004. Director.
Sec. 414.005. Duties.
Sec. 414.006. Rules.
Sec. 414.007. Confidentiality of Crime Stoppers Records.
Sec. 414.008. Privileged Information.
Sec. 414.009. Misuse of Information.
Sec. 414.010. Payments from Defendants On Community Supervision; Reward Repayments.
Sec. 414.011. Certification of Organizations to Receive Payments and Reward Repayments.
Sec. 414.012. Statewide Crime Reporting Systems.
Sec. 414.013. Immunity from Civil Liability.