Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle B. Law Enforcement and Public Protection
Chapter 418. Emergency Management
Subchapter E. Local and Interjurisdictional Emergency Management
Sec. 418.101. All Political Subdivisions Served.
Sec. 418.1015. Emergency Management Directors.
Sec. 418.102. County Programs.
Sec. 418.103. Municipal Programs.
Sec. 418.104. Interjurisdictional Programs.
Sec. 418.105. Liaison Officers.
Sec. 418.106. Local and Interjurisdictional Emergency Management Plans.
Sec. 418.107. Local Finance.
Sec. 418.1075. Suspension of Deadlines Imposed by Local Law.
Sec. 418.108. Declaration of Local Disaster.
Sec. 418.1085. Limitations On Construction and Related Services.
Sec. 418.109. Authority to Render Mutual Aid Assistance.
Sec. 418.110. Statewide Mutual Aid Program for Fire Emergencies.
Sec. 418.1101. Plan for Continuity of Functions.
Sec. 418.1102. Exception to Quorum Requirements.