Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle C. State Military Forces and Veterans
Chapter 432. Texas Code of Military Justice
Subchapter B. Apprehension and Restraint; Nonjudicial Punishment
Sec. 432.008. Apprehension.
Sec. 432.009. Apprehension of Deserters.
Sec. 432.010. Imposition of Restraint.
Sec. 432.011. Restraint of Persons Charged with Offenses.
Sec. 432.012. Reports and Receiving of Prisoners.
Sec. 432.013. Punishment Prohibited Before Trial.
Sec. 432.014. Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities.
Sec. 432.015. Commanding Officer's Nonjudicial Punishment.