Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle C. State Military Forces and Veterans
Chapter 436. Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Subchapter B. Organization and Administration
Sec. 436.051. Composition; Eligibility.
Sec. 436.052. Terms and Officers; Ex Officio Members; Designation of Representative.
Sec. 436.053. Compensation and Expenses.
Sec. 436.054. Meetings.
Sec. 436.055. Conflict of Interest.
Sec. 436.056. Removal.
Sec. 436.0561. Training.
Sec. 436.057. Director; Staff.
Sec. 436.058. Public Access.
Sec. 436.059. Equal Employment Opportunity.
Sec. 436.060. Qualifications and Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 436.062. Complaints.
Sec. 436.063. Use of Alternative Procedures.
Sec. 436.064. Technology Policy.