Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle D. History, Culture, and Education
Chapter 441. Libraries and Archives
Subchapter I. Library Systems
Sec. 441.121. Short Title.
Sec. 441.122. Definitions.
Sec. 441.123. Establishment of State Library System.
Sec. 441.124. Advisory Board.
Sec. 441.125. Plan of Service.
Sec. 441.126. Authority to Establish Systems.
Sec. 441.127. Membership in System.
Sec. 441.1271. Extending Membership of Systems to Certain Nonpublic Libraries.
Sec. 441.128. Operation and Management.
Sec. 441.129. Withdrawal from System.
Sec. 441.130. Advisory Council.
Sec. 441.131. Regional Library System.
Sec. 441.132. Major Resource Centers.
Sec. 441.135. Grants.
Sec. 441.136. Rules.
Sec. 441.137. Administration.
Sec. 441.138. Funding.
Sec. 441.1381. Competitive Grants; System Operation Grants.
Sec. 441.1382. Additional Funding.
Sec. 441.1383. Grants to Aid Local Libraries.