Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle D. History, Culture, and Education
Chapter 444. Texas Commission On the Arts
Subchapter A. General Provisions and Administration
Sec. 444.001. Commission.
Sec. 444.002. Application of Sunset, Open Meetings, and Administrative Procedures Laws.
Sec. 444.003. Composition; Terms.
Sec. 444.004. Compensation.
Sec. 444.005. Officers.
Sec. 444.006. Conflict of Interest; Removal Provisions.
Sec. 444.007. Responsibilities of Commission, Executive Director and Staff.
Sec. 444.008. Meetings.
Sec. 444.009. Rules.
Sec. 444.010. Employment Practices.
Sec. 444.011. Standards of Conduct.
Sec. 444.012. Complaints.
Sec. 444.013. Accessibility.
Sec. 444.014. Training.
Sec. 444.015. Use of Technology.
Sec. 444.016. Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy.