Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle F. Commerce and Industrial Development
Chapter 490i. Broadband Development Office
Sec. 490i.0101. Threshold Speed for Broadband Service.
Sec. 490i.0102. Office.
Sec. 490i.0103. Powers and Duties.
Sec. 490i.0104. Participation in Proceedings of Federal Communications Commission.
Sec. 490i.0105. Broadband Development Map.
Sec. 490i.01051. Map of Locations Receiving Broadband and Certain Telecommunications Services; Report.
Sec. 490i.0106. Broadband Development Program.
Sec. 490i.01061. Existing Federal Funding; Reporting Requirements.
Sec. 490i.01062. Fiber Optic Preference.
Sec. 490i.0107. State Broadband Plan.
Sec. 490i.0108. Broadband Development Account.
Sec. 490i.0109. Rulemaking.
Sec. 490i.0110. Board of Advisors.