Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle G. Corrections
Chapter 501. Inmate Welfare
Subchapter A. General Welfare Provisions
Sec. 501.001. Discrimination Against Inmates Prohibited.
Sec. 501.002. Assault by Employee On Inmate.
Sec. 501.003. Food.
Sec. 501.004. Clothing.
Sec. 501.005. Literacy Programs.
Sec. 501.0051. Receipt of Books by Mail.
Sec. 501.006. Emergency Absence.
Sec. 501.007. Inmate Claims for Lost Or Damaged Property.
Sec. 501.008. Inmate Grievance System.
Sec. 501.0081. Dispute Resolution: Time-served Credits.
Sec. 501.009. Volunteer and Faith-based Organizations; Report.
Sec. 501.010. Visitors.
Sec. 501.011. Zero-tolerance Policy.
Sec. 501.012. Family Liaison Officer.
Sec. 501.013. Materials Used for Arts and Crafts.
Sec. 501.014. Inmate Money.
Sec. 501.015. Providing Discharged Or Released Inmate with Clothing and Money; Burial Expenses.
Sec. 501.0155. Providing Discharged Or Released Inmate with Documentation for Employment.
Sec. 501.016. Discharge Or Release Papers; Release Date.
Sec. 501.0165. State-issued Identification; Necessary Documentation.
Sec. 501.0166. Providing Discharged Or Released Inmate with Birth Certificate and Social Security Card.
Sec. 501.017. Cost of Confinement As Claim.
Sec. 501.019. Cost of Confinement As Claim; Setoff.
Sec. 501.021. Use of Inmates in Training Prohibited.
Sec. 501.0215. Educational Programming for Pregnant Inmates.
Sec. 501.022. Infant Care and Parenting.
Sec. 501.023. Information Concerning Foster Care History.
Sec. 501.024. Verification of Inmate Veteran Status.
Sec. 501.025. Veterans Services Coordinator.
Sec. 501.026. Limitation On Certain Searches.
Sec. 501.027. Access to Programs by Female Inmates.