Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle G. Corrections
Chapter 501. Inmate Welfare
Subchapter B. General Medical and Mental Health Care Provisions
Sec. 501.051. Medical Facilities at University of Texas Medical Branch.
Sec. 501.0515. Procedures for Transportation of Female Inmates for Medical Care.
Sec. 501.052. Medical Residencies.
Sec. 501.053. Reports of Physician Misconduct.
Sec. 501.054. Aids and Hiv Education; Testing.
Sec. 501.055. Report of Inmate Death.
Sec. 501.0551. Anatomical Gifts.
Sec. 501.056. Contract for Care of Inmates with Mental Illness Or Intellectual Disability.
Sec. 501.057. Civil Commitment Before Parole.
Sec. 501.058. Compensation of Psychiatrists.
Sec. 501.059. Screening for and Education Concerning Fetal Alcohol Exposure During Pregnancy.
Sec. 501.060. Tuberculosis Screening.
Sec. 501.061. Orchiectomy for Certain Sex Offenders.
Sec. 501.062. Study of Rate of Recidivism Among Sex Offenders.
Sec. 501.063. Inmate Fee for Health Care.
Sec. 501.064. Availability of Correctional Health Care Information to Inmates.
Sec. 501.065. Consent to Medical, Dental, Psychological, and Surgical Treatment.
Sec. 501.066. Restraint of Pregnant Inmate Or Defendant.
Sec. 501.0665. Certain Invasive Searches Prohibited.
Sec. 501.0666. Nutrition Requirements for Pregnant Inmates.
Sec. 501.0667. Inmate Postpartum Recovery Requirements.
Sec. 501.0668. Duties Following Miscarriage Or Physical Or Sexual Assault of Pregnant Inmate.
Sec. 501.067. Availability of Certain Medication.
Sec. 501.0675. Provision of Feminine Hygiene Products.
Sec. 501.068. Mental Health Assessment for Certain Inmates.
Sec. 501.069. Developmentally Disabled Offender Program.
Sec. 501.070. Trauma History Screening.
Sec. 501.071. Access to Telemedicine and Telehealth Services and On-site Medical Care.