Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle G. Corrections
Chapter 508. Parole and Mandatory Supervision
Subchapter J. Miscellaneous
Sec. 508.311. Duty to Provide Information.
Sec. 508.312. Information On Recidivism of Releasees.
Sec. 508.313. Confidential Information.
Sec. 508.314. Access to Inmates.
Sec. 508.315. Electronic Monitoring Programs.
Sec. 508.316. Special Programs.
Sec. 508.317. Intensive Supervision Program; Super-intensive Supervision Program.
Sec. 508.318. Continuing Education Program.
Sec. 508.319. Program to Assess and Enhance Educational and Vocational Skills.
Sec. 508.320. Contracts for Lease of Federal Facilities.
Sec. 508.321. Reporting, Management, and Collection Services.
Sec. 508.322. Releasee Restitution Fund.
Sec. 508.323. Audit.
Sec. 508.324. Victim-offender Mediation.