Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle I. Health and Human Services
Chapter 544. Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Overcharges Relating to Health and Human Services
Subchapter B. Health and Human Services Commission: Administrative Provisions
Sec. 544.0051. Coordination with Office of Attorney General; Annual Report.
Sec. 544.0052. Rules Regarding Enforcement and Punitive Actions.
Sec. 544.0053. Provision of Information to Pharmacy Subject to Audit; Informal Hearing On Audit Findings.
Sec. 544.0054. Records of Allegations of Fraud Or Abuse.
Sec. 544.0055. Record and Confidentiality of Informal Resolution Meetings.
Sec. 544.0056. Expunction of Child's Chemical Dependency Diagnosis in Certain Records.