Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle I. Health and Human Services
Chapter 522. Provisions Applicable to All Health and Human Services Agencies and Certain Other State Entities
Subchapter D. Coordination of Multiagency Services
Sec. 522.0151. Definition.
Sec. 522.0152. Applicability of Subchapter to Certain State Entities.
Sec. 522.0153. Memorandum of Understanding Required.
Sec. 522.0154. Development and Implementation of Memorandum of Understanding.
Sec. 522.0155. Contents of Memorandum of Understanding.
Sec. 522.0156. Adoption of Memorandum of Understanding; Revisions.
Sec. 522.0157. State-level Interagency Staffing Group Duties; Biennial Report.