Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 6. Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle A. Provisions Generally Applicable to Public Officers and Employees
Chapter 614. Peace Officers and Fire Fighters
Subchapter A. Legislative Leave for Peace Officer Or Fire Fighter
Sec. 614.001. Definitions.
Sec. 614.002. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 614.003. Entitlement to Legislative Leave.
Sec. 614.004. Eligibility for Legislative Leave.
Sec. 614.005. Money Required to Offset Costs of Legislative Leave.
Sec. 614.006. Employer to Grant Legislative Leave; Exceptions.
Sec. 614.007. Insufficiency in Number of Employees; Exchange of Time by Other Employees.
Sec. 614.008. Legislative Leave Not A Break in Service.
Sec. 614.009. Legislative Leave to Attend Session of Congress.
Sec. 614.010. Employees' Association May Not Reimburse Certain Costs.