Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 6. Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle B. State Officers and Employees
Chapter 654. Position Classification
Subchapter C. Classification Officer
Sec. 654.031. Position of Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.032. Appointment of Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.033. Qualifications of Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.034. Salary of Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.035. First Assistant Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.036. General Duties of Classification Officer.
Sec. 654.037. Salary Studies and Recommendations.
Sec. 654.0375. Military Occupational Specialty Code Identification; Report.
Sec. 654.038. Classification Compliance Audits; Notification and Voluntary Correction of Nonconformity.
Sec. 654.039. Report of Inaction.
Sec. 654.040. Action by Governor.
Sec. 654.041. Examination for Compliance by State Auditor; Reports.
Sec. 654.042. Assistance from State Auditor.
Sec. 654.043. Free Use of Comptroller's Data Processing Center.