Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 6. Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle B. State Officers and Employees
Chapter 660. Travel Expenses
Subchapter H. Travel by Certain Persons
Sec. 660.201. Applicability.
Sec. 660.202. Members of the Legislature.
Sec. 660.203. Travel by Certain Officers and Employees.
Sec. 660.2035. Confidentiality of Certain Peace Officer Vouchers; Quarterly Summaries.
Sec. 660.204. Travel by Legislative Employees.
Sec. 660.205. Representation of State.
Sec. 660.206. Representation of Certain Officers and Employees.
Sec. 660.207. Aircraft Pilots.
Sec. 660.208. Advance Approval Required.
Sec. 660.209. State Emergency Services Personnel.