Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 6. Public Officers and Employees
Subtitle B. State Officers and Employees
Chapter 662. Holidays and Recognition Days, Weeks, and Months
Subchapter A. Holidays for State Employees
Sec. 662.001. Definitions.
Sec. 662.002. Applicability to Employee of the House Or Senate.
Sec. 662.003. Dates and Descriptions of Holidays.
Sec. 662.004. Minimum Number of Employees Needed to Conduct Business.
Sec. 662.005. Entitlement to Paid Day Off.
Sec. 662.006. Optional Holiday.
Sec. 662.007. Compensatory Time.
Sec. 662.0071. Transfers of Compensatory Time Balances.
Sec. 662.0072. Transferring Employee: Payment for Holiday.
Sec. 662.008. Part-time State Employees.
Sec. 662.009. Employee Working Other Than Monday Through Friday.
Sec. 662.010. Holiday Before Work Begins Or After Work Ends.
Sec. 662.011. Holidays for Institutions of Higher Education.
Sec. 662.012. Rules.
Sec. 662.013. Optional Holiday for Cesar Chavez Day.