Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 7. Intergovernmental Relations
Chapter 772. Governmental Planning
Subchapter A. Planning Entities
Sec. 772.001. Planning As Governmental Purpose and Function.
Sec. 772.002. Chief Planning Officer.
Sec. 772.003. Interagency Planning Councils.
Sec. 772.004. Governor's Division of Planning Coordination.
Sec. 772.005. Notification of Planning Coordination Division by State Agency.
Sec. 772.006. Governor's Criminal Justice Division.
Sec. 772.0061. Specialty Courts Advisory Council.
Sec. 772.0062. Child Sex Trafficking Prevention Unit.
Sec. 772.0063. Governor's Program for Victims of Child Sex Trafficking.
Sec. 772.0064. Sexual Assault Survivors' Task Force.
Sec. 772.007. Texas Anti-gang Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0071. Prosecution of Border Crime Grant Program.
Sec. 772.00715. Evidence Testing Grant Program.
Sec. 772.00716. Evidence Testing Account.
Sec. 772.0072. Missing Or Exploited Children Prevention Grants.
Sec. 772.0073. Peace Officer Mental Health Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0074. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0075. Bulletproof Vest and Body Armor Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0076. Enforcement of Immigration Law Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0077. Grant Program for Monitoring Defendants and Victims in Family Violence Cases.
Sec. 772.0078. Opioid Antagonist Grant Program.
Sec. 772.0079. Grant Program for Crime Victim Notification Systems.
Sec. 772.008. Planning Assistance for Political Subdivisions.
Sec. 772.009. Grant Assistance.
Sec. 772.010. Border Commerce Coordinator.
Sec. 772.0101. Border Inspection, Trade, and Transportation Advisory Committee.
Sec. 772.0102. Trade and Commerce Plan.
Sec. 772.011. Interagency Work Group On Border Issues.
Sec. 772.012. Compliance with Cybersecurity Training Requirements.