Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 8. Public Retirement Systems
Subtitle B. Employees Retirement System of Texas
Chapter 814. Benefits
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 814.001. Types of Benefits.
Sec. 814.002. Benefits from Both Membership Classes.
Sec. 814.003. Effective Date of Retirement.
Sec. 814.004. When Benefits Are Payable.
Sec. 814.005. Waiver of Benefits.
Sec. 814.006. Simultaneous Death of Member and Beneficiary.
Sec. 814.007. Beneficiary Causing Death of Member Or Annuitant.
Sec. 814.008. Change of Beneficiary After Retirement.
Sec. 814.009. Deduction from Annuity for State Employee Organization.
Sec. 814.0095. Charitable Deduction from Annuity.
Sec. 814.0096. Coordination with State Employee Charitable Campaign Policy Committee.
Sec. 814.010. Electronic Filing of Beneficiary Designation.
Sec. 814.011. Lump-sum Payments in Lieu of Annuities.
Sec. 814.012. Disposition of Unclaimed Beneficiary Benefits.