Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 8. Public Retirement Systems
Subtitle C. Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Chapter 824. Benefits
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 824.001. Types of Benefits.
Sec. 824.002. Effective Date of Retirement.
Sec. 824.003. When Benefits Are Payable.
Sec. 824.004. Waiver of Benefits.
Sec. 824.005. Revocation of Retirement.
Sec. 824.006. Payment of Annuity On Death of Member Or Retiree.
Sec. 824.007. Deductions from Service Or Disability Retirement Annuity.
Sec. 824.0071. Deductions from Service Or Disability Retirement Annuity for Certain University Insurance Program Contributions.
Sec. 824.008. Deductions from Amounts Payable by the Retirement System.
Sec. 824.009. Certain Employees and Annuitants Ineligible for Retirement Annuity; Resumption Or Restoration of Eligibility.