Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 8. Public Retirement Systems
Subtitle C. Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Chapter 825. Administration
Subchapter B. Powers and Duties of Board of Trustees
Sec. 825.101. General Administration.
Sec. 825.102. Rulemaking.
Sec. 825.1025. Negotiated Rulemaking; Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Sec. 825.103. Administering System Assets.
Sec. 825.104. Designation of Authority to Sign Vouchers.
Sec. 825.105. Adopting Rates and Tables.
Sec. 825.107. Records of Board of Trustees.
Sec. 825.108. Reports.
Sec. 825.1085. Study and Report On Alternative Service Retirement Benefits for Peace Officers.
Sec. 825.109. Correction of Errors.
Sec. 825.110. Determination of Annual Compensation.
Sec. 825.111. Management Audit.
Sec. 825.112. Insurance.
Sec. 825.113. Miscellaneous Board Duties.
Sec. 825.114. Advisory Committees.
Sec. 825.115. Applicability of Certain Laws.