Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 8. Public Retirement Systems
Subtitle F. Texas County and District Retirement System
Chapter 841. General Provisions
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 841.001. Definitions.
Sec. 841.002. Purpose of Subtitle.
Sec. 841.003. Retirement System.
Sec. 841.004. Powers, Privileges, and Immunities.
Sec. 841.005. Actions for Accounting.
Sec. 841.0051. Venue.
Sec. 841.006. Exemption from Execution.
Sec. 841.007. Reduction of Annuity Payments On Request.
Sec. 841.008. Applications By, and Payments To, Persons Other Than Members, Beneficiaries, and Annuitants.
Sec. 841.009. Divorce-decree Payments Protected.
Sec. 841.0091. Division of Benefits On Divorce of Member.
Sec. 841.010. Distribution Requirements.
Sec. 841.011. Full Vesting of Accrued Benefits at Termination.