Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 9. Public Securities
Subtitle I. Specific Authority for Counties to Issue Securities
Chapter 1471. Bonds for County Roads
Subchapter B. Issuance of Bonds
Sec. 1471.011. Authority to Issue Road Bonds.
Sec. 1471.012. Emergency Notes.
Sec. 1471.013. Tax Anticipation Notes.
Sec. 1471.014. Bond Anticipation Notes.
Sec. 1471.015. Election On Issuance of Bonds: County.
Sec. 1471.016. Petition for Election On Issuance of Bonds: Precinct Or Road District.
Sec. 1471.017. Hearing On and Determination of Petition: Precinct Or Road District.
Sec. 1471.018. Notice of Election.
Sec. 1471.019. Results of Election.
Sec. 1471.020. Effect of Lack of Notice.
Sec. 1471.021. Maturity.
Sec. 1471.022. Designation of Bonds.
Sec. 1471.023. Disposition of Bond Proceeds.
Sec. 1471.024. Duties of County Treasurer.
Sec. 1471.025. Disbursement of Bond Proceeds by County Treasurer.
Sec. 1471.026. Investment of Sinking Funds.
Sec. 1471.027. Use of Bond Proceeds Outside Road District.
Sec. 1471.028. Use of Surplus Sinking Fund.
Sec. 1471.029. Election for Repurchase and Cancellation of Bonds.