Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 9. Public Securities
Subtitle I. Specific Authority for Counties to Issue Securities
Chapter 1474. Bonds for County Water Improvements
Subchapter B. Election Provisions
Sec. 1474.051. Bonds for More Than One Purpose.
Sec. 1474.052. Petition for Bond Election.
Sec. 1474.053. Requirement to State Characteristics of Bonds.
Sec. 1474.054. Election for Issuing Bonds.
Sec. 1474.055. Order Issuing Bonds and Imposing Tax.
Sec. 1474.056. Election for Issuing Notes: Order and Notice.
Sec. 1474.057. Election for Issuing Notes: Ballot and Returns.
Sec. 1474.058. Approval and Issuance of Notes.