Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 9. Public Securities
Subtitle J. Specific Authority for Municipalities to Issue Securities
Chapter 1505. Obligations for Coastal Municipalities for Coastal Matters
Subchapter E. Bonds for Harbor Improvements and Facilities in Coastal Municipalities with Population of Less Than 12,000
Sec. 1505.201. Applicability of Subchapter.
Sec. 1505.202. Definitions.
Sec. 1505.203. Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds.
Sec. 1505.204. Authority to Accept Loans and Grants.
Sec. 1505.205. Location of Harbor Improvement Or Facility.
Sec. 1505.206. Pledge of Revenue.
Sec. 1505.207. Grant of Franchise.
Sec. 1505.208. Bonds Not Payable from Taxes.
Sec. 1505.209. Election.
Sec. 1505.210. Additional Bonds.
Sec. 1505.211. Transfer of Pledged Revenue.
Sec. 1505.212. Rates.
Sec. 1505.213. Appointment of Receiver.
Sec. 1505.214. Exemption from Assessment Or Taxation.
Sec. 1505.215. Authority to Issue Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 1505.216. Terms of Issuance of Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 1505.217. Registration of Refunding Bonds by Comptroller.