Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 2. Health
Subtitle D. Prevention, Control, and Reports of Diseases; Public Health Disasters and Emergencies
Chapter 81d. Prohibited Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates by Private Employer
Sec. 81d.001. Definitions.
Sec. 81d.002. Employer Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates Prohibited.
Sec. 81d.003. Prohibited Adverse Action by Employer.
Sec. 81d.0035. Adverse Action Exception for Certain Health Care Facilities, Health Care Providers, and Physicians.
Sec. 81d.004. Complaint; Investigation.
Sec. 81d.005. Injunctive Relief.
Sec. 81d.006. Administrative Penalty.
Sec. 81d.007. Rules.