Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 2. Health
Subtitle E. Health Care Councils and Resource Centers
Chapter 119a. Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council
Sec. 119a.001. Definition.
Sec. 119a.002. Establishment of Advisory Council.
Sec. 119a.003. Appointment of Advisory Council Members.
Sec. 119a.004. Terms; Vacancy.
Sec. 119a.005. Chair and Vice Chair.
Sec. 119a.006. Meetings; Quorum.
Sec. 119a.007. Annual Report.
Sec. 119a.008. Compensation and Reimbursement.
Sec. 119a.009. Sunset Provision.
Sec. 119a.010. Applicability of Other Law.