Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 2. Health
Subtitle H. Public Health Provisions
Chapter 166. Advance Directives
Subchapter D. Medical Power of Attorney
Sec. 166.151. Definitions.
Sec. 166.152. Scope and Duration of Authority.
Sec. 166.153. Persons Who May Not Exercise Authority of Agent.
Sec. 166.154. Execution.
Sec. 166.155. Revocation; Effect of Termination of Marriage.
Sec. 166.156. Appointment of Guardian.
Sec. 166.157. Disclosure of Medical Information.
Sec. 166.158. Duty of Health Or Residential Care Provider.
Sec. 166.159. Discrimination Relating to Execution of Medical Power of Attorney.
Sec. 166.160. Limitation On Liability.
Sec. 166.161. Liability for Health Care Costs.
Sec. 166.164. Form of Medical Power of Attorney.
Sec. 166.165. Civil Action.
Sec. 166.166. Other Rights Or Responsibilities Not Affected.