Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle A. Financing, Constructing, Regulating, and Inspecting health Facilities
Chapter 223. Hospital Project Financing Act
Subchapter C. Hospital Project Bonds
Sec. 223.021. Issuance of Hospital Project Bonds.
Sec. 223.022. Election On Bonds.
Sec. 223.023. Election Results.
Sec. 223.024. Protest Not Filed.
Sec. 223.025. Limitations On Bonds.
Sec. 223.026. Form and Term of Bonds.
Sec. 223.027. Dedicated Repayment Revenue.
Sec. 223.028. Security for Bonds.
Sec. 223.029. Use of Proceeds.
Sec. 223.030. Temporary Obligations.
Sec. 223.031. Examination of Bonds.
Sec. 223.032. Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 223.033. Enforcement of Agreements.
Sec. 223.034. Membership of Governing Body Not Subject to Change.
Sec. 223.035. Bonds Tax Exempt.
Sec. 223.036. Bonds As Securities.
Sec. 223.037. Bonds As Investments.
Sec. 223.038. Cost of Certain Required Alterations.