Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle B. Licensing of Health Facilities
Chapter 241. Hospitals
Subchapter H. Hospital Level of Care Designations for Neonatal and Maternal Care
Sec. 241.182. Level of Care Designations.
Sec. 241.183. Rules.
Sec. 241.1835. Use of Telemedicine Medical Services.
Sec. 241.1836. Appeal Process.
Sec. 241.1837. Patient Safety Practices Regarding Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder.
Sec. 241.184. Confidentiality; Privilege.
Sec. 241.185. Assignment of Level of Care Designation.
Sec. 241.186. Hospital Not Designated.
Sec. 241.1865. Waiver from Level of Care Designation Requirements; Conditional Designation.
Sec. 241.187. Perinatal Advisory Council.