Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle B. Licensing of Health Facilities
Chapter 246. Continuing Care Facilities
Subchapter D. Entrance Fee and Reserve Fund Escrow Accounts
Sec. 246.071. Entrance Fee Escrow Account; Escrow Agent.
Sec. 246.072. Return of Deposits; Release Or Return of Entrance Fee.
Sec. 246.073. Release to the Provider.
Sec. 246.0735. Phase-in Facilities.
Sec. 246.0736. Continuing Release of Escrow.
Sec. 246.0737. Care in Residence.
Sec. 246.074. Return of Entrance Fee.
Sec. 246.075. Escrow of Application Fee Not Required.
Sec. 246.076. Interest Accrued On Entrance Fee Funds.
Sec. 246.077. Reserve Fund Escrow.
Sec. 246.078. Release of Reserve Fund Escrow.
Sec. 246.079. Transition.
Sec. 246.080. Applicability.