Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle B. Licensing of Health Facilities
Chapter 247. Assisted Living Facilities
Subchapter E. Arbitration
Sec. 247.081. Scope of Subchapter.
Sec. 247.082. Election of Arbitration.
Sec. 247.083. Arbitration Procedures.
Sec. 247.084. Arbitrator Qualifications.
Sec. 247.085. Arbitrator Selection.
Sec. 247.086. Arbitrator Duties.
Sec. 247.087. Scheduling of Arbitration.
Sec. 247.088. Exchange and Filing of Information.
Sec. 247.089. Attendance.
Sec. 247.090. Testimony; Record.
Sec. 247.091. Evidence.
Sec. 247.092. Closing Statements; Briefs.
Sec. 247.093. Ex Parte Contacts Prohibited.
Sec. 247.094. Order.
Sec. 247.095. Effect of Order.
Sec. 247.096. Clerical Error.
Sec. 247.097. Court Vacating Order.
Sec. 247.098. Enforcement of Certain Arbitration Orders for Civil Penalties.