Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle C. Local Hospitals
Chapter 263. County Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
Subchapter D. Superintendent
Sec. 263.071. Appointment of Superintendent.
Sec. 263.072. Role of Superintendent.
Sec. 263.073. Bond.
Sec. 263.074. General Powers and Duties of Superintendent.
Sec. 263.075. Equipping the Hospital.
Sec. 263.076. Officers and Employees.
Sec. 263.077. Accounts and Records.
Sec. 263.078. Forms for Admission.
Sec. 263.079. Admission of Persons from County.
Sec. 263.080. Admission of Persons from Adjacent County.
Sec. 263.081. Condition and Treatment of Patient.
Sec. 263.082. Payment by Patient.
Sec. 263.083. Support.
Sec. 263.084. Discharge of Patients.
Sec. 263.085. Collection of Money.