Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle D. Hospital Districts
Chapter 300a. Health Care Provider Participation Program in Districts Composed of Certain Local Governments
Subchapter B. Creation, Operation, and Dissolution of District
Sec. 300a.0021. Creation by Concurrent Orders.
Sec. 300a.0022. Powers.
Sec. 300a.0023. Board of Directors.
Sec. 300a.0024. Qualifications for Office.
Sec. 300a.0025. Compensation.
Sec. 300a.0026. Authority to Sue and Be Sued.
Sec. 300a.0027. District Finances.
Sec. 300a.0028. Dissolution.
Sec. 300a.0029. Administration of Property, Debts, and Assets After Dissolution.
Sec. 300a.0030. Accounting After Dissolution.