Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle D. Hospital Districts
Chapter 282. Hospital Districts in Counties of 75,000 Or Less
Subchapter C. General Powers and Duties
Sec. 282.041. Management, Control, and Administration.
Sec. 282.042. District Rules.
Sec. 282.043. Powers Relating to District Property, Facilities, and Equipment.
Sec. 282.044. Contracting Authority.
Sec. 282.045. Purchasing Procedures.
Sec. 282.046. Eminent Domain.
Sec. 282.047. Gifts and Endowments.
Sec. 282.048. Authority to Sue and Be Sued; District Liability.
Sec. 282.049. Other Board Powers.
Sec. 282.050. Provision of Hospital Services.