Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle D. Hospital Districts
Chapter 287. Health Services Districts
Subchapter F. District Finances
Sec. 287.121. Fiscal Year.
Sec. 287.122. Annual Audit.
Sec. 287.123. District Audit and Records.
Sec. 287.124. Annual Budget.
Sec. 287.125. Notice; Hearing; Adoption of Budget.
Sec. 287.126. Amending Budget.
Sec. 287.127. Limitation of Expenditures.
Sec. 287.128. Sworn Statement.
Sec. 287.129. Spending and Investment Limitations.
Sec. 287.130. Depository.
Sec. 287.131. Ad Valorem Taxation.