Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 4. Health Facilities
Subtitle F. Powers and Duties of Hospitals
Chapter 311. Powers and Duties of Hospitals
Subchapter D. Community Benefits and Charity Care
Sec. 311.041. Policy Statement.
Sec. 311.042. Definitions.
Sec. 311.043. Duty of Nonprofit Hospitals to Provide Community Benefits.
Sec. 311.044. Community Benefits Planning by Nonprofit Hospitals.
Sec. 311.045. Community Benefits and Charity Care Requirements.
Sec. 311.0455. Annual Report by the Department.
Sec. 311.0456. Eligibility and Certification for Limited Liability.
Sec. 311.046. Annual Report of Community Benefits Plan.
Sec. 311.0461. Informational Manual.
Sec. 311.047. Penalties.
Sec. 311.048. Rights and Remedies.