Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle B. Solid Waste, Toxic Chemicals, Sewage, Litter, and Water
Chapter 361. Solid Waste Disposal Act
Subchapter R. Use of Land Over Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Sec. 361.531. Definitions.
Sec. 361.532. Permit Required for Development of Certain Land.
Sec. 361.533. Application for Development Permit.
Sec. 361.534. Permit Public Meeting.
Sec. 361.535. Issuance of Permit; Permit Conditions.
Sec. 361.536. Requirements for Structures On Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility.
Sec. 361.537. Lease Restriction; Notice to Lessee.
Sec. 361.538. Soil Test Required Before Development of Certain Land.
Sec. 361.539. Notice to Buyers, Lessees, and Occupants.