Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle B. Solid Waste, Toxic Chemicals, Sewage, Litter, and Water
Chapter 363. Municipal Solid Waste
Subchapter G. Bonds
Sec. 363.131. Authority to Issue Bonds.
Sec. 363.132. Terms; Form.
Sec. 363.133. Bond Provisions.
Sec. 363.134. Approval and Registration.
Sec. 363.135. Bond Payment and Security.
Sec. 363.136. Bond Election.
Sec. 363.137. Other Security.
Sec. 363.138. Bond Sale and Exchange.
Sec. 363.139. Investment and Use of Proceeds.
Sec. 363.140. Refunding Bonds.
Sec. 363.141. Legal Investments; Security for Deposits.
Sec. 363.142. Tax Status of Bonds.
Sec. 363.143. Fees for Services.
Sec. 363.144. Adjustment of Rates for Adequate Revenue.
Sec. 363.145. Bond Anticipation Notes.