Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle B. Solid Waste, Toxic Chemicals, Sewage, Litter, and Water
Chapter 365. Litter
Subchapter C. Special Provisions
Sec. 365.031. Litter, Garbage, Refuse, and Rubbish in Lake Sabine.
Sec. 365.032. Throwing Certain Substances in Or Near Lake Lavon; Criminal Penalty.
Sec. 365.033. Discarding Refuse in Certain County Parks; Criminal Penalty.
Sec. 365.034. County Regulation of Litter Near Public Highway; Criminal Penalty.
Sec. 365.035. Prohibition On Possessing Glass Containers Within Boundary of State-owned Riverbed; Penalties.