Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 5. Sanitation and Environmental Quality
Subtitle B. Solid Waste, Toxic Chemicals, Sewage, Litter, and Water
Chapter 366. On-site Sewage Disposal Systems
Subchapter D. Permits; Fees
Sec. 366.051. Permits.
Sec. 366.0512. Multiple Treatment Systems.
Sec. 366.0513. Permits for Certain Temporary Systems.
Sec. 366.0515. Maintenance Contract and Performance Bond.
Sec. 366.052. Permit Not Required for On-site Sewage Disposal On Certain Single Residences.
Sec. 366.053. Permit Application.
Sec. 366.054. Notice from Installer.
Sec. 366.055. Inspections.
Sec. 366.056. Approval of On-site Sewage Disposal System.
Sec. 366.057. Permit Issuance.
Sec. 366.058. Permit Fee.
Sec. 366.059. Permit Fee Paid to Department Or Authorized Agent.